Attend My Conference Where Attendees Learn the Secrets of Author/Book Writing and Promotion Techniques That Really Work

This event runs from 6:30 to 9:30 pm at the Rio in Las Vegas, on September 20th, and costs just $25.  Register Here.  This workshop is being held in coordination with the outstanding three-day conference, Act Like an Author, Think Like A Business, offered by Joylynn Ross and Path to Publishing. Both my workshop (September 20) and Joylynn’s publishing conference for writers (September 20-22) will be held at the Rio in Las Vegas.  The Act Like an Author event’s registration can be found here.

As the author of 38 published books and as a successful book publicist since 1982, I will be presenting a dynamic three-hour, fast-paced workshop will be based largely on my forthcoming book, Write Now!, which includes an extensive guide to effectively and successfully writing your book, as well as marketing and promoting your novel or non-fiction book.

In Write Now!, I start by explaining why and how certain people (professionals, consultants, life coaches and others who have clients – as well as non-profit CEOs looking for donors) should write and publish their book – with the emphasis on “How” of book-writing – including how to easily overcome writers block, how to stay focused on your goal from first word to last, and how to edit it (hint: you need help – no writer can really final-edit their book, because the writer knows how it SHOULD read, and the brain sees what’s supposed to be there). This part of the workshop will be very practical and results-oriented – focused on helping you to write the book of your dreams.

Then I shift focus to both the best of the traditional with the most outrageously-effective off-the-wall book promotion and marketing approaches, all of which I have used on my own three-dozen published novels and non-fiction books, as well as the books of many of the author-clients he’s served since 1985. It also includes marketing tips I’ve gleaned from interviewing more than 30 successfully-published authors he interviewed for Write Now!

Among the vital writing strategies I’ll explore with you, I include why you should probably be a plotter, not a pantser. Pantsers have no plan – they literally write by the seat of their pants, and many of my most successful novels and non-fiction books have been written that way. However, I have recently become a convert to being a plotter (working out an outline before I start writing), and I did so after too many projects reached the 300-page mark when I realized I didn’t know what comes next. This applies to both novels and non-fiction. FYI, Write Now! began with a remarkably-detailed 12-page outline (which I called my Table of Contents, but it was an outline). This was not a straitjacket – I’ve changed my TOC many times – but it was a helpful guide. A novel that crashed-and-burnt last summer when I hit page 300 will be my next project, beginning with a detailed outline to fix the seemingly insoluble problems that caused me to shelve it last year. Having shelved twice as many books as I’ve published, you could say I learned this the hard way. So allow my mistake to help you avoid yours!

Bottom line – in this workshop you’ll learn a lot about how to write, promote and market your book while avoiding pitfalls.

Among fascinating and effective marketing strategies, you’ll learn how to leverage your book to generate remarkably effective press attention; how to promote and market your book – even how you can use your book to become a well-paid speaker or an unbelievably well-paid expert witness in a legal case. That’s something I have very profitably done a number of times. If you’d like to be paid $400 or more an hour, you could do worse than becoming an expert witness.

To attend my three-hour, in-depth program either sign up here or just show up.  This workshop is being held on September 20th at 6:30 at the Rio in Las Vegas.  As noted, my workshop is affiliaed with the conference Act Like an Author, Think Like A Business, an outstanding three-day publishing conference for writers.  You don’t have to attend that program to attend mine, but I strongly recommend that you do – I’ll even go so far as to say you’ll be making a major writing-career mistake if you don’t also attend Act Like an Author.  There are many pieces to the writing and publishing process that will be covered in the full conference, and successful authors need to know how to rurn writing into a profitable business. You can learn more about the full conference by visiting

Finally … “grace of God and the crick don’t rise,” my new book, Write Now! will be launched at this conference, allowing you to not only experience this exciting and provocative workshop, but head home with my latest (my 39th) published book as well.  If it’s not ready, I’ll take advanced orders at a “conference discount,” ensuring you get the first copies available.

For my Learn the Secrets of Author/Book Writing and Promotion Techniques That Really Work workshop, all you need is $25, a notebook and a pen that won’t run dry. You can pre-register here, or pay at the door.